FAA Aviation Medical Examinations
Welcome to Central Missouri AME, your source for your FAA Medical Exam for First, Second and Third Class exams. Exams are done by William C. Kinney, MD, a board certified Otolaryngologist and Senior AME. Scheduling in now available online. Book your appointment now at the link below.
Services Provided
FAA Aviation Medical Examinations — First, Second, and Third Class
ECG Services for First Class requiring ECG
Exam all classes: $150
ECG: $80 additional (Required for Airman needing a First Class Medical. First ECG required at age 35 then annually at age 40 going forward).
Exam Process
Please complete an FAA MedXPress application at https://medxpress.faa.gov if you wish to pursue and FAA Aviation Medical Certificate. Your MUST bring the confirmation number with you to the exam.
BASIC MED is an alternative to an FAA Aviation Medical for those wishing to obtain a Third Class Medical. Dr. William Kinney is NOT a BASIC MED provider.
Female pilots MUST bring a friend or relative as a chapperone.
If you have a diagnosis of ADHD or you are currently on medication for Anxiety or Depression (SSRI) then STOP. You will more than likely need to work with an FAA HIMS AME. Dr. William Kinney is NOT HIMS qualified. You should go back and search the FAA AME Database for a HIMS AME. You are still able to schedule and complete an FAA Medical with Dr. Kinney but you may end up with a deferral and an additional fee from the HIMS AME who you will have to see in order to complete a mental health evaluation.