Exam Location
Exams are provided in an office located in my private home, 3710 Cross Timber Ct Columbia, MO 65203. As this is my private home, you may hear dogs barking but they will be kenneled during your visit. For some of you that are returning to see me, please note that this is a new location.
What is MedXPress?
The FAA expects all the information to be transmitted electronically. You must complete a MedXPress application online before your visit. Please bring a copy of the confirmation number to the visit.
Is the visit covered by insurance?
No, your visit is not covered by insurance. I understand some Aviation Medical Examiners would perform your exam as part of your annual health visit. This visit will not address any specific medical problems nor will you receive any treatment advice.
I have a Special Issuance
If you have a Special Issuance from the the FAA then you should read the SI letter carefully and obtain any required documentation before the visit. You will be required to bring a copy of the SI letter with you to your exam. Depending on your SI, you may not need to have an exam and only an SI extension. SI extensions are provided at half the normal fee.
I have a SODA — certificate of demonstrated ability
You must bring a copy of your SODA to the visit.
I have had trouble with the eye examination in the past, what should I do?
If you are concerned about passing the eye examination due to issues in the past then you should consider having your eye doctor complete an FAA Report of Eye Exam Form 8500-7 and bring this to the visit. You will not have to pass the vision test using my equipment — however, you will have to pass the color vision test.
Can you get my health information?
As a physician, I may have access to electronic medical records from the Central Missouri Area hospitals but I will not access you medical information to get results. It is your responsibility to get the information.
Do I need anything from my primary care doctor?
The FAA expects you to have done your own homework to decide what information is necessary from you doctor to facilitate your medical certification. For example, if you have hypertension, you will need a statement from your treating physician stating that your hypertension is under control. Please reach out to me on the Contact page if you have a question about what you need.